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CrewCam Careers

Work on the future of the Built World at CrewCam

We're making the tools used by those people who make the world go round. People with real jobs, long hours, harsh weather... those people powering the built world and make the world go 'round.

Now that has been said, let us be perfectly clear.

You probably are not a fit to work with us. We are the last of a dieing breed. A breed that worships adventure and pay homaged to the gods of glory. We value suffering, excitement, honor, and beauty.

If in another life, you would likely been part of the aristocracy, priestly class or perhaps royal navy, then you are likely not a fit. If there is a non 0 chance, you would have defected, maybe been an artist,  or found yourself aboard a pirate ship...then, well, we suggest you keep reading.  

We are not your typical company.

Our values

So, you're interested in our mission?

Olympians Work Ethic
We believe it feels good to live all. That abnormal outcomes require abnormal behavior and the best way to success is to deserve it. Therefore, we work harder, longer, and smarter. Our lives revolve around work. We do not believe in balance. Just as an athlete's life is oriented around their sport, everything is integrated in the aim of success on this voyage. If this doesn't excite you, this is not the place for you.
Cockroach like Suffering
Yes, our team is bright. Yes, resourceful. Rather personable too. But above all, we are world class at suffering. If there were to be nuclear armageddon, we are confident cockroaches and our team would emerge post fallout. We grin at every obstacle... the bloodier the better... knowing it weeds out others while we become steps closer to victory. We worship at the alter of persistance.
Create Something Beautiful
We believe the act of creation is infused with divinity. Therefore, it is our duty to breath life into and distill our lifeforce into our products, how we work, and how we serve customers. They deserve it; we want to serve them and create something beautiful in all we do.
We are hiring talented people

Join a world-class crew

You see, here, people are wanted for hazardous journey. Rather mediocre wages, bitter, long hours of complete uncertainty and occasionally darkness. Safe return... ehh, somewhat doubtful. Honour and glory in event of success with shivering levels of excitement along the way.

We value competence and greatness. A good sense of humor helps too.

Don’t see an opening for you? Get in touch. There is  room on this ship for exceptional people (no room for stowaways).

My friend, it's time to light yourself on fire with passion and burn for all to see.

Join us. Or live in mediocrity.

Benefits and perks

Exceptional Relationships
We're not some bloated corporate cow, though you will still earn a fair wage.  You will meet comrades of all walks of life. Team members include former collegiate wrestlers, ultramarathon runners, archery hunters, returned mormon missionaries, CS and AI wizards. The more we plunder the more you will bask in the rewards.
Shivering levels of excitement
This company is a pirate ship. If you want calm and steady, then we suggest you turn to some unremarkable fake email corporate job. Here, we are on an adventure. One where you wake up with first day of summer morning levels of excitement, unsure of how the future will form or if you will make it BUT with autonomy over what you do, as long as it fits our current objective.
Honor and Glory
Hard work feels good. That's when you sleep best at night. This doesn't seem to be in supply nowadays. We offer the ability to look at your reflection and feel pride in your work and what you've become. Which, with our level of discipline, is visible within the spyglass.

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